countdown to my HD Conference presentation

Are You Ready to Tell a Better Story of Who You Are?

How we talk about ourselves matters. There is increasingly more research that shows that the story we tell about ourselves creates our reality. The two most powerful words are “I am.” Whatever we put after them creates our paradigm. What is the story you are telling the Universe? Are you the victim in your story? What if I could show you the power you came here to express?

Is it time to tell a truer, braver story about yourself?

Are you tired of living for everyone else?

Do you even know who you are when you strip away the titles, roles, and labels?

Does it always seem to feel like something is missing?

What if the thing missing is the REAL you?

Are you ready to get real?

It starts with a Human Design Reading.

I Can Show You How To Finally Break Free!

Stop Living For Everyone Else And Be The Person You Came Here To Be!

Human Design is a transformative tool for self awareness that combines ancient traditions with modern science into a holistic process. It’s all synthesized in your bodygraph. Get your bodygraph chart and free pdf report here.

The next step is to commit to following your strategy and authority.

This is known as your Human Design Experiment.

Even if you do nothing more, your life will begin to shift, perhaps slowly at first, but you will get more in touch with correct decision-making for yourself. You will start living more authentically until one day you realize you are living from a place of radical self-trust.

If you would like to understand more I am including resources to guide you in your experiment on this site. You can be notified as I add more by signing up for my email list below,

This is my chart

Get Your Advanced Human Design Chart

Chart includes Chiron, Black Moon Lilith, and the Four Transformations that come from understanding the deeper layers known as Variable.

You can also run a relationship connection chart to better understand the energy mechanics between you and another person.

Today’s Transits

The Time is UTC time. The Transits DO NOT change your personal chart but they will effect how you feel.

Think of them like the weather. Always follow your Strategy and Authority. To learn more book a free Discovery Call.

1 on 1 Mentoring with Kathy makes it Simple!

Human Design shows us how our energy interacts with those around us. It is a beautiful multilayered system. But navigating your chart alone can feel overwhelming. That is why I offer 1 on 1 Mentoring. I help you learn to trust YOUR process.

Everything is Energy - Including You

Human Design Helps You Optimize Yours

It begins with getting the information. Once you have your chart, I am here to guide you in your process. Human Design is meant to be an experiment. For many of us it is transformational, but it can be confusing and overwhelming if you don’t have support.

Human Design is known as the Science of Differentiation. We are each meant to be unique. Isn’t it time you were truly yourself?


Let’s stay in touch.

Kathy Bochonko Human Design Analyst and Mentor

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