
Kathy Bochonko Kathy Bochonko

Deeply And Completely

My hydrangeas are bursting this year.

Some years they are big green bushes with only few small flowers. Some years they have beautiful large flowers, but not a ton of them.

This year they are bursting. You know what I did differently?


Sometimes it is just about circumstances coming together for the perfect results. In this case, it was probably a combination of a lot of rain and no late freeze, neither of which are in my control.

This makes me think about how often we beat ourselves up for things that are out of our control.

Nature is fine with inconsistencies. I am learning to be more accepting of my own. How about you?

Do you expect big fat bountiful blooms all the time in your life?

Can you trust that life’s blooms will return when you are in a “big green bush” phase?

I recently shared the above on social media with pictures of my hydrangeas.

Afterwards I connected it to the following that I had been working on—

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Kathy Bochonko Kathy Bochonko

Navigating Life's Uncertainties Sun in Gate 2, Earth in Gate 1

The energies of Gates 2 and 1 guide us towards self-expression and alignment with our higher purpose. Embrace the journey of self-trust and receptivity-asking "What is this here to bring me?" can transform uncertainty into following our authentic path.

Art by Annie Isa #annieisaart (available on Etsy)

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Kathy Bochonko Kathy Bochonko

Finding More of Me by Creating a Mythical Creature

Meet Lustris Seraphique, I created her with the help of an AI tool after a conversation on a call today where we were reflecting on these questions Karen Parker had given us last week on a call re our businesses. one of which was- Is there a fantastical creature or an animal that carries those qualities that you can call in as an alter ego or a guide?

So I asked Chatgpt's "Strange Creature Creator" to help me create a mythical creature that embodied all the answers I had come up with to those questions. Here is her story--

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Kathy Bochonko Kathy Bochonko

From Facebook Lives to Podcast Vibes: Embracing Change at 60

From Facebook Lives to Podcast Vibes: Embracing Change at 60

For about 9 months I had been gestating something. I had been having these Sunday Story Hour conversations in my Intuitive Human Design Facebook Group. Talking to amzing people about their personal human design stories. After the first handful I decided to put them up on my YouTube Channel. That itself was a whole new education for me.

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