I have a 6th-line personality profile. in Human Design terms I have been “off the roof” for a decade now. The picture on the left was me at around 20-21 years old. Still years away from when my first Saturn Return would send me up on the roof.
Now nearly two years past my second Saturn return, I have been thinking about some things I wish she understood back then, but I also feel it even more important to tell her the ways 60-year-old me is proud of her and what she was about to do.
Sometime over the next couple of years 20-something-year-old me would make the terrifying realization that I had made a mistake when I got married at 19. I would tell the kind and loving man that I had married that I was leaving. I would deal with the guilt and shame of a “failed marriage” because I knew there was something more out there for me. Not “someone better”-but a better me.
About a year, and one boyfriend later, I moved into the city of Chicago with a new job and built an entirely new life. I was so scared but I did it anyway, at the age of 23.
The me on the right worked my way up to the position of “Trouble Shooter” and then District Manager and traveled across the country “fixing stores that weren’t performing. I moved 13 times in 14 years from age 18-33. I was excellent at my job, but I had to be because back then I was still defining myself by what I “did” and the recognition that came from others.
I worked so hard- sometimes as much as 100 hours a week. Not knowing when enough was enough. Proving myself over and over again, learning from what didn’t work as much as I learned from what did. Especially when it came to relationships.
When I look back on all the things in life that “didn’t work out” I can see how absolutely essential they each were to the life I have and the person I have become and am still becoming.
So today I thank Kathy Grafstrom and Kathy LaBelle for all the beautiful lessons they brought me. I thank her for her courage to change and to recognize she was (and still is) unstoppable.
I now know my true power began when I realized I had nothing to prove and started saying no to “I can” and started really waiting for what my heart knew was mine to do. My word this year is #Trust and it is already shifting everything ❤️🔥🙌