Deeply And Completely

My hydrangeas are bursting this year.

Some years they are big green bushes with only few small flowers. Some years they have beautiful large flowers, but not a ton of them.

This year they are bursting. You know what I did differently?


Sometimes it is just about circumstances coming together for the perfect results. In this case, it was probably a combination of a lot of rain and no late freeze, neither of which are in my control.

This makes me think about how often we beat ourselves up for things that are out of our control.

Nature is fine with inconsistencies. I am learning to be more accepting of my own. How about you?

Do you expect big fat bountiful blooms all the time in your life?

Can you trust that life’s blooms will return when you are in a “big green bush” phase?

I recently shared the above on social media with pictures of my hydrangeas.

Afterwards I connected it to the following that I had been working on—

Every Six Months or so I revisit this Life Purpose template that I first completed about three years ago when I did a class of some sort with Karen Curry Parker. It asked us to insert the meanings of the various gates defined in our Human Design Chart into sections according to the planets that defined them.

It was a bit awkward the first time, and definitely felt like a template for the first year or two, but every year or so as I reread it, I tweak it to flow more authentically.

This time as I reread it, I realized how much I feel I have come to truly embody these energies in a way that feels so powerful. Some years it felt like I was that big green bush-this year I feel the bursting of the flowers.

As I prepare to have Karen Curry Parker share her Human Design Story as my podcast guest this weekend it felt like the perfect time to share this with you. If you are interested in the template I started with please feel free to email me at [email protected]

Here is my Life Purpose as I feel it today-

I, Kathy Bochonko, powerfully and passionately declare that I have fully stepped into my power as a deeply connected intuitive woman.

I fully embrace my Life Purpose to stay in the flow of Source, knowing that I am fully supported. By doing so, I inspire and create partnerships and relationships that sustain each of us to fully embrace our most authentic selves by holding an emotional frequency that honors and empowers the unique creativity of us all.

I redefine who I am through the power of my experiences, forgiving myself and others when needed.

By doing so, I form a meaningful and world-changing narrative that aligns with my Authentic Self, and I deepen my connection with my Life Purpose.

I know that nurturing this narrative gives me the energy and passion to continue to align myself with my Purpose. I embrace this as part of my growth process. I know that when I encounter an inner conflict, this is a symptom of my expansion and indicates that I am learning and growing. Everything is always happening for my greatest expansion. I’m always doing it “right”. I’m always growing and changing.

I embrace the power of my words and use the power of my narrative to create the life I desire.

I forgive the past and redefine who I am each day by speaking of myself in language that is empowering and reflective of my true value.

As I master my inner dialogue, I gain the ability to release the need to control circumstances and others as I can sustain a vibrational frequency that reflects my ability to be self-generous and sustainable. I share from my saucer, keeping my cup overflowing.

I have no fear of taking the actions necessary to honor my unique vital role in the cosmic plan. I consciously utilize cycles of disruption and unexpected twists and turns of faith as catalysts that deepen my connection to Source, Life, and Soul Purpose.

My path to my Spiritual Purpose is actually retreat, finding inner respite as a way of replenishing my inner and outer resources enabling me to bring my renewed self back into community when I am ready. When I create inner abundance, there is great fulfillment in sharing. I have more to give when I am resourced and able to trust in sufficiency.

I reflect on these energies when I desire greater alignment with my Purpose. I know that as I master the ability to stay connected to sustainable peace and respond to life by generating inner peace no matter what is happening in my reality, I create the emotional alignment no matter what’s going on in the outer world.

I use questioning and my deep curiosity to stimulate dreams of new possibilities and potentials to inspire the questions of what may need to happen to make an idea a reality and deepen what I am here to share with the world.

I do not need to provide the answers or hold tightly to any outcome.

I communicate my wisdom through my ability to see the “big picture” and to prioritize where to focus my energy and help others do the same when invited.

To savor the enormous scope of life while honoring the physicality of this human experience by truly being present in my body and experiencing all the joy I can through loving and experiencing this body as a sacred vehicle of my soul.

Through these energies, I share the full expression of who I am with the world.

Acknowledging the unique role we each play in the evolution of humanity, I recognize that we all have a vital and irreplaceable place in the Divine Order.

I honor all of who I am, and I deeply and completely love and accept myself.



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