Trust 2024

My word for this year is Trust-

I chose this word because as I embrace my intuition more and more, there are times when my conditioning comes in and tells me all the reasons I shouldn’t. I have become remarkably good at telling her (the voice of my conditioned mind) to just settle down, that “everything is happening for me.” Sometimes it gets hard to hold that trust but this week I got a message I couldn’t ignore.

I am a person who seldom remembers dreams. But Monday morning I woke up with such clarity and a sense of purpose. I had this vivid dream. I was on a boat sort of like a pontoon boat, the flat kind with rows of seats on the deck and a railing around the sides.

I was standing at my seat and looked behind me as a huge wave lifted the back end of the boat so we were almost perpendicular to the water. I locked my legs in a braced stance knowing that if I shifted my weight at all we would capsize.

In the dream, I knew my husband was behind me somewhere and that he couldn’t do anything. But he was safe. I looked over in front of me a ways and saw my bag with my MacBook, brand new iPhone, wallet and pretty much my life sitting on a seat that was submerged under water now. But if I moved for it we would all capsize. Yet I felt no fear, only trust.

I stood firm, knee deep in water watching my bag submerge and knew with every ounce of my being that we would ride that wave and my belongings (and my husband, whom I couldn’t even see) would still be there, as long as I held fast and firm.

I woke up and knew this dream was telling me that I was on the right path and that I should not let fear of losing money or that my husband would be unhappy cause me to deviate from holding steady with my vision.

I am revamping my mentoring program. I am trusting that the vision I have had for change is what the world needs.

People need to know that they can trust themselves and that is exactly the goal of the program I am creating. Helping people know they are Powerful and Wise. Details of the program are coming soon. If you want to get in on the ground floor, let’s talk. #TRUST2024

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