So what is this Human Design thing anyway?

Human Design is a tool that helps us craft a better narrative of who we are and how we are living our lives. Words have power, and Human Design helps us to craft a better more empowering story of ourselves. Words have the power to create. By understanding your chart, you can see the amazing reality of who you really are and create a life that reflects your authentic path.

Did you know that we all have a specific correct way to approach decision making and the mind is not it for any of us? How many times have you felt a strong instinct that you should behave a certain way, but you allowed your logical mind to talk you into doing something that made more “sense”? Human Design teaches us to let go of society’s conditioning and get in touch with our correct strategy and inner authority.

Perhaps you have been hearing about Human Design but don’t know where to begin.

Human Design is NOT a labeling system. It is known as the science of differentiation and is a tool that is meant to guide us in discovering our innate power in order to live our most authentic life.

Human Design is a blueprint that shows how our personal energy is meant to interface with others and most importantly it shows us the key to our own correct decision-making. When we make decisions authentically, we draw the right people and experiences to us.

Human Design combines elements of the following-

Ancient Wisdoms  


Hindu Brahman Chakra System,

Jewish Kabbalah

The Archetypes of the Chinese I’Ching

Modern Sciences

Quantum Physics


All you need to begin is your chart, and you can get yours here. If possible print out your Human Design Chart and place it where you can see it often and become familiar with it. Consider making it your wallpaper or home screen on your phone or computer. Take some time to thoroughly read through your Human Design Chart and the free report that you have downloaded.

Take time to understand what it means to be your Energy Type with your particular strategy and authority.

If you do nothing else, your life will change. But Human Design is like an onion, with many layers. I will cover them slowly over time as I build out this website.

Human Design is meant to be lived as an experiment, with each step integrated before you go on to the next. That said, it is your experiment, and you get to decide what is right for you. Some of us need lots of details; others want to keep it simple. My goal is to structure this site in ways that feel correct for me, but take various types into consideration.

Take your time; be gentle with yourself. You are exactly where you need to be. And always remember I am just a Discovery call away.

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