Hi! I am Kathy Bochonko, a 6/2 Emotional Projector, off the roof(if you know you know) That is my chart in the photo.

I have been seeking something more most of my life. In my 20s, I was seeking experiences. Working in retail fashion, I combined my love of clothing with my desire to help people grow in their careers. I loved it! In my mid-30s and 40s, I spent my time raising our daughter (Manifestor), volunteering, and advocating for causes near and dear to me. Eventually, I found my way back to retail. I just loved helping people feel beautiful and self-assured with their outer expression. I could see the true person and wanted them to feel confident. I always knew that there was something deeper I wanted to explore. I was forever seeking deeper wisdom. I went down every spiritual rabbit hole I encountered and devoured self-help courses and books.

In 2016, I was introduced to Human Design, and it changed my life. I went from casual experimenter to what some may call obsessed. I have trained in both Traditional Human Design as well as Quantum Human Design and dabbled a little in the Gene Keys.

Understanding my Human Design has helped me to get out of my own way, step into my power, and start living my best life.

Understanding my strategy and authority (key components of Human Design) was transformative, but easier said than done. I spent a lot of time in my head, before finally transitioning from theory to living it, I now find joy in empowering others to embrace their true selves.

As an Intuitive Human Design Mentor, my focus is helping individuals navigate life's uncertainties.

I have been in my own Human Design Experiment since 2016, I am trained in traditional Human Design as well as Quantum Human Design and its healing partner program, the Quantum Alignment System. I incorporate my gifts as a 6/2 Emotional Projector to intuitively guide others through this journey of transformation.

It can be really scary to completely honor your inner authority and trust the beauty of who you are here to be. By helping clients see the wisdom in their design, and allowing them to love themselves in the shadows, while I guide them toward the light.

In my Intuitive Human Design Facebook Group, I encourage conversations that help to integrate this wisdom. I host a weekly conversation live in the group that I call Sunday Story Hour, these can later be found on my YouTube channel.

To learn more about your unique Human Design. Set up a free Discovery call today. Are you Ready? Let’s Begin.

About Kathy