Submit to get your free chart*

After you view your personal chart you can choose to run a connection chart to see how your energy interacts with others.

Please note that precise birth time matters.

Be sure to scroll down to download my FREE PDF with descriptions.

Available for purchase is a guide to making sense of the well as an approx 60-page report In the Quantum Human DesignTM language from Karen Curry Parker. So be sure to scroll down.

My detailed Human Design Report is coming soon.

*Key Notes

Human Design is not a labeling system or a box intended to limit people, It is your blueprint to the life you are here to create.

Your design is perfect. We all have all of the chart. Where we are defined (colored in areas) is what we bring to the world in a fixed way, while where we are open(white areas) is where we are meant to take in energy from others and become wise, but this is also where we are most conditioned. The process of using our strategy and authority is what brings us to our authentic path.

Most importantly, your chart is a tool.  You are not your chart any more than you are your x-ray. And just like a doctor must look at all the pieces of you, so too must you look beyond the elements of your chart through experimentation and contemplation to discover how your specific elements unify to fully express your unique soul and guide you to embrace the life you are here to create.

Please know that many people initially find their chart confusing, frustrating, or overwhelming. There’s no single right way to learn about your design. If some guidance on your journey of discovery feels right to you, I invite you to reach out and schedule a free discovery call.