Trust Your Gut: This Week’s Energy is Calling Out Familiar Patterns, Gate 44

We’ve all been there. You want to believe they’ve changed, they’re saying all the right things and part of you is hoping this time will be different. But deep down, you already know. It’s like your guard is already up, saying, Here we go again.

That’s the kind of energy we’re stepping into this week as the Sun moves through Gate 44. If you’re new to transits, think of them as the “energy weather” around us—current planetary movements influencing certain themes and patterns we’re all feeling at once. Transits don’t dictate our decisions, but they help us tune in to what’s happening within and around us. We use our strategy and authority for true guidance, but transits like these can highlight themes we’re meant to learn from, reinforcing that everything is always happening for us, guiding us into deeper self-trust.

With Gate 44 in the spotlight, we’re being reminded of the familiar patterns in our lives. It’s like we’re getting a nudge to pay attention to old cycles and trust our inner knowing. Friday’s New Moon amplifies this theme, giving us the chance to reset, set new intentions, and finally let go of those patterns that no longer serve us.

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How This Energy Might Be Showing Up Right Now

As this energy unfolds, you might start noticing some recurring rhythms in your relationships. Venus in Gate 5 highlights the natural cycles we experience with people—the ways we connect, disconnect, and sometimes end up right back where we started. Ever noticed how certain people just seem to bring the same energy over and over? Maybe it’s that friend who always circles back with a new drama or a family member who makes big promises but rarely follows through. With Venus here, we’re being asked to look at these patterns and rhythms honestly. Some cycles are just how people are wired, and others we’re finally ready to outgrow. Maybe the patterns are our own.

If you find yourself mentally replaying these situations, you’re feeling the pull of Earth in Gate 24. This energy can lead to overthinking and replaying conversations, dissecting every little detail. We’ve all been there, stuck in a loop of “what ifs.” But Gate 24 also encourages us to break out of these mental replays, reminding us that clarity often finds us when we’re not actively searching for it. If you feel yourself spiraling, give yourself permission to pause and let things be. Sometimes, stepping back gives the answers a chance to emerge.

Then there’s Mercury in Gate 14, inviting us to look at purpose. Mercury here is asking, Is this worth my energy? When familiar patterns resurface, Mercury in Gate 14 nudges us to consider how much time and energy we’re investing—and whether it’s aligned with what truly matters to us. It’s not just about spotting the pattern; it’s about seeing it as an opportunity to redirect our focus toward things that genuinely serve us.

And Friday’s New Moon in Gate 44 brings the perfect moment to set fresh intentions. Take a look at these rhythms, these familiar storylines, and ask yourself, What am I ready to release? What am I willing to welcome in? This is a powerful opportunity to align with the present rather than replaying the past, strengthening our radical self-trust and creating space for new beginnings.

Reflecting on What’s Showing Up

As you move through the week, notice the situations and relationships that feel all too familiar. This energy isn’t about judging the people around us—it’s about recognizing what we already know and letting that knowledge support us. If you’re seeing a cycle you’re ready to change, trust yourself to set those boundaries or move forward in a new way. And if you notice familiar stories popping up in your mind, know that we’re all likely feeling the same themes this week, seeing the same patterns and emotions mirrored back at us.

This is a time to honor our intuition, embrace the wisdom of past experiences, and remind ourselves that everything we’re going through is happening for us, guiding us to step more confidently into our truth.

So as you lean into this week’s energy, stay grounded in your strategy and authority. And when you’re ready to dive deeper, a reading can offer insights on how these themes are showing up specifically for you, supporting you in uncovering what’s ready to be released or reimagined.

Kathy Bochonko

Human Design Analyst and Mentor

QHD Specialist

QAS Practitioner

Tarot Reader

6/2 Emotional Projector


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